Fáilte chuig MEON.
Navigating the Post-Liberal space.
Upon completion of my degree, my job hunt was stifled by a persistent anxiety that a friend or a girl I liked would see me in the debased condition of employment, a distress intensified by right-wingers (and my parents) telling me to get a job.
He felt like a gazelle adorned with a Francis Bacon death-mask, bereft of gas in the tank, caught betwixt a Lion pride with their crosshairs set on his jugular and a cackle of spotted hyenas eyeing up his pancreas
Podcasts & Essay Recordings
For our fifth episode, we are proud to present a discussion that took place with Brian James.
Our discussion centred on Frank Hugh O'Donnell's critique of W. B. Yeats in 'The Stage Irishman of the Pseudo-Celtic Drama'.
Our discussion centred on Frank Hugh O'Donnell's critique of W. B. Yeats in 'The Stage Irishman of the Pseudo-Celtic Drama'.
Written from an Irish-Ireland perspective, O'Donnell argues that Yeats' depiction of the Irish is unreflective of our national character. Further, he charges Yeats with blaspheming Catholicism.
Full Episode: https://youtu.be/l67zhxjOOa0?si=eIsRYtmhc0F1tckZ
For our Fourth episode, we are proud to present a discussion that took place with the Editor of Aureus Press.
To listen to the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3zOlRZAsE8&t
For our Fourth episode, we are proud to present a discussion that took place with the Editor of Aureus Press.
Aureus Press was founded in 2017 by its editor, Brendan Heard. Perhaps best known for publishing ‘The Decline and Fall of Western Art, Aegeon Science Fiction Illustrated signified a new direction for Aureus press, with each issue containing a compilation of illustrated science fiction stories.
Our discussion centred on the intersection between universalism and Irish republicanism, his experiences on both sides of the Atlantic as an Irish-Canadian, and the dark underbelly of the 60s counter culture.
"Blue Velvet is ultimately a movie that carries concepts that Eraserhead left of at, cultivating a more accessible, real yet spiritually dark, violent, voyeuristic and erotic insight into the mythos of the American Dream."
To listen to the full essay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XJDesWfmBU&t=44s&ab_channel=MEONJournal
"Blue Velvet is ultimately a movie that carries concepts that Eraserhead left of at, cultivating a more accessible, real yet spiritually dark, violent, voyeuristic and erotic insight into the mythos of the American Dream."
For the third episode of the MEON Podcast, we’re joined by Peter Ryan to discuss the Collison Brothers and Politics as Aesthetics.
Welcome to the third episode of the MEON Podcast – a podcast dedicated to the revival of Irish intellectual life.
For our third episode, we are proud to present the concluding part of our interview with Peter Ryan - to listen to the full episode, click here.
Peter Ryan is the CEO and Founder of Ryan Research, where he consults on economics, technology, and history, as well as business strategy.
His work has been featured in an array of publications ranging from UnHerd to Gript.
Recently, he published an essay entitled ‘Silicon Valley’s Trojan Horse: Irish Nationalists Beware of MAGA Libertarians’ for MEON Journal - which may be found here.
In this podcast, we discuss the Collison brothers and the reduction of politics to aesthetics.
Listen to the first part of our podcast with Peter Ryan.
Listen to the second part of our podcast with Peter Ryan

Moreover, I must remind this publication—despite its Catholic-leaning editorial stance—that St. Patrick was the founder of the ancient and esteemed Church of Ireland