Meon Gaelach: A Translation of Máirtín Ó Direáin's Poem on Pádraig Pearse
At the end of battle you were not given a memorial
In limestone words nor on a marble grave,
But your name will be a shimmering idol in the hearts of every child,
And your story will be narrated in tasteful Gaelic.
Of Papal Provenance: The Catholic Impact on the History of Irish Nationalism.
Clergy and laymen alike fought and died together to see Ireland take her rightful place in the nations of the World.
Meon Gaelach: Seán South on the New Plantation of Ireland
[I]s there more than that one person among all the elected representatives of the country who will stand and speak against the replanting of the ‘Republic’?
The Strange Death of Ireland
An Garda Síochána are being used as a battering ram to force through a reckless immigration policy to the detriment of the local populace.
Meon Gaelach: A Statement of Aims for Reviving Irish Intellectualism
The one theme tying these works together is they are representations of what innovative and independent Irish thinking looks like in practice
Fenian Raids 1866 to 1871
Their plan was to conquer Canada, force the British Empire to the negotiating table and proceed to trade Canada for a free Ireland.
A Gaelic Kibbutzim?: Fennell's 'Iosrael in Iarchonnachta' Movement (Fennellism, pt. 2)
For them, saving our native identity was an existential matter because without our ethnos… there would be no ‘Ireland’ worth contributing to.
The Genesis of Anglicisation by William Rooney
What is the germ of it all? The criminal carelessness of every class in Ireland to the real interests of the nation.
Confessions of a Modern-Day "Fascist", or the Danger of Diluted Language
Words that once carried weight and specificity are now used indiscriminately, their impact diminished by overuse and misapplication.
In Defence of Ethnonationalism: Uberboyo’s Critique of John McGuirk
Irish people have an incredibly stable genetic makeup that goes back not just to the Roman Empire, not just to the Celts before the Roman Empire, but back to to the times of ancient Egypt, at the very beginning of the Bronze Age
Ireland's Striking Resemblance to Communist China
China’s approach to digital control involves extensive surveillance, strict content regulation, and harsh penalties for dissent.
Is a Nationalist Breakthrough Into the Seanad Possible?
The Seanad is aptly regarded as a body which exists for runners-up from the general election and wind-bags from Trinity College and the NUI colleges.
Haugheyite Populism: The Ideology Behind Irish Electoral Success (Fennellism pt. 1)
The importance of Fennell in this regard is in providing an intellectual formulation of a populist ideology which stands the test of time.
The Power of Language in Politics
Our use of language is crucial for ensuring that our political and cultural struggle succeed. We must not forget that language is power.
Is the Government’s Asylum Policy a Plantation?
Whilst not identical, a comparison with English-driven Plantations reveals that the government’s asylum policy qualifies as a Plantation.
An Introduction to the Works of Desmond Fennell (Fennellism pt. 0)
Desmond Fennell was Ireland's finest modern intellectual. Luckily for dissidents, his body of work also lays out the essential intellectual project of modern Irish Nationalism.
A Realistic Proposal for a Nationalist Coalition in Irish Politics
By outlining a pragmatic path toward unity, this article aims to ameliorate the fragmentation that plagues Irish Nationalism.
The Case for Consolidation: A Reflection on the 2024 Elections
Nationalists lack the unified platform and resources necessary to capitalise on the general public’s hostility to mass immigration.
Hungary and the New Concert of Europe: A Review of Balázs Orbán’s Hussar Cut: The Hungarian Strategy for Connectivity
Will European civilisation ‘go gentle into that good night’ or will we grit our teeth and face the music?
Carbon Offsetting: A False Panacea?
A clever ploy to assuage public scrutiny, carbon offsetting perpetuates a cycle of ecological destruction under the guise of sustainability.