Book Review: The Emerging Populist Majority & the American Right’s Path To Victory
Under the leadership of Donald Trump, it appears Republicans are adopting the advice of their party’s young scions.
The Preconditions of a Nationalist-Republican Alliance
The construction of such a movement will not be easy, it will not be without its challenges, but it is necessary for the advancement of the cause of the Irish nation.
Against Philistines: On The Importance Of Vibes And Cultural Aesthetics
“By being a cultural philistine, you are divorcing yourself from the possibility of changing your epoch and the creative processes that assists in its animation.”
The Free State: A Machinery for our Destruction
Since its establishment, the Free State has been a machinery for the destruction of the Irish nation.
Eco-Gaelicism: The Aesthetic of Resistance
The first step to establishing a true opposition to the cultural and aesthetic apathy of modern Ireland is in reimagining what a re-Gaelicised landscape would look like
The Tragedy of Paddy Cosgrave: What the Web Summit Saga Tells Us About Irish Capitalism
From the failure of millennial leftism in the 2010s to the ideological stuntedness of tech bros today, what does the Web Summit debacle tell us about Irish capitalism?
Silicon Valley’s Trojan Horse: Irish Nationalists Beware of MAGA Libertarians
If Irish nationalism adopts this ideology, the movement would accrue superficial gains at the expense of conceding its cardinal values.
The Desecration of Moore Street: A Dagger Through Dublin’s Heart
This is not just about saving buildings, it is about what those buildings represent. It’s about saving our story. The story of the birth of the Irish nation.
British Patriotism: The Worship of Capitalism
The British monarchy has always used the people they rule over as cannon fodder in wars that only serve to line the pockets of the ruling elites.
A Republican Perspective on Contemporary Irish Politics
Ireland needs a broad front comprised of nationalists and traditional republicans who have been pitted on opposite sides of the political spectrum by those who seek to control us.
Lecherous for a Mask: Desire and Impotence in Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Eyes Wide Shut’
The polarity between the rigidity of norms, customs, and appearances, on the one hand, and the anarchic quality of our chthonic desires, on the other, is a cardinal motif.
An Ghluaiseacht Nua: A Call to Action for 2025
To achieve a cultural rebirth of the wider macrocosm of the nation, we need an internal liberation of our own consciousness.
Poetry: An Naoidhe Naomh by Aodh Mac Aingil
God greet You, sacred Child,
poor in the manger there,
yet happy and rich tonight
in your stronghold in glory.
The Searchers: Liberal Morality Play or Reactionary Epic?
The characters become forces of immense physical action which we cannot take our eyes off of. It is action motivated by honour codes and by rituals of kinship. It is a world of forms and the observing of forms. Closer to Achilles and Hector than to Freud. It is a Homeric western.
The Sons of Róisín Died Not for This - A Meditation on the Patriotic Poem’s Modern Relevance
There is a battle in the country today for the soul of Ireland.
Letter to the Editor: Regarding the Electoral Immolation of this Publication’s Iniquitous Views
I do not wish to gloat, however, in the most cordial manner I must express my condolences to this publication after its ideas have been so resolutely defeated at the ballot box. I hope this result will give you some pause.
Leviathan’s Auxiliary: Individualism as an Agent of Tyranny
Lenin once said “the Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them”. Similarly, the individual, in its alliance with the central power, has crafted the hangman’s knot, and following the extirpation of privilege, partiality, and irrationality, finds itself on the gallows awaiting a similar fate…
Against Republican Pluralism: The Role of Ethnic Nationalism in Irish Identity
Perhaps we should have learned the lessons of the Middle East, where many countries had their borders drawn up by the British and French under the Sykes-Picot agreement. The aim, in part, of this agreement was to foment ethnic conflict, and thus stymie the ability of nations to act in a unified manner.
Solidaridad: How Spanish Nationalists Built an Alternative Trade Union Network
MEON sat down with Rodrigo Alonso Fernandez from Solidaridad to discuss the experiences of the trade union, which purposefully blends patriotic politics and labour activism.
Ethnicity and Nationality: A Distinction Without a Difference
Liam Mellows once said that “Blood is thicker than water, and Irish blood is thicker than any blood that I know.” But too few Republicans have taken him at his word.