Unveiling Louis Ferdinand Celine: Existentialist? - Part 1
Celine donned numerous masks: anonymous writer, salacious womaniser, outspoken racialist, critic of French chauvinism, socialist, ardent pacifist, conspiracy-monger, League of Nations surgeon, and proto-existentialist – perhaps his vagrancy should take first place?
Lament For Thomas Davis by Samuel Ferguson
Oh, brave young men, my love, my pride, my promise,
’Tis on you my hopes are set,
In manliness, in kindliness, in justice,
To make Erin a nation yet
Yuki-Onna - Recorded by Lafcadio Hearn
Even as she screamed, her voice became thin, like a crying of wind; then she melted into a bright white mist that spired to the roof-beams, and shuddered away through the smoke hole…
Japan as the Successor to Ancient Greece? The Life of the Greco-Irish Folklorist Lafcadio Hearn
The rigid cultural bulwark of Japanese society is reminiscent of Irish-Ireland; a vision of revitalised Irish culture keeping at bay the influence of alien ideals.
Internationalism: the New Danger by Máire de Buitléir
The future of the race is at stake. Our National integrity is being undermined. For fifteen years the Gaelic League has been building up National character. We now see it crumbling away before our eyes as we walk through the streets of Ireland's Capital
The Pascal Fire of Patrick by Denis Florence MacCarthy
To lands where Faith's bright flag unfurled
By those who here have knelt
Shall give unto a newer world
The sceptre of the Celt.
The Confession of St. Patrick - Part 2
For beyond any doubt on that day we shall rise again in the brightness of the sun, that is, in the glory of Christ Jesus our Redeemer, as children of the living God and co-heirs of Christ, made in his image; for we shall reign through him and for him and in him.
The Confession of St. Patrick - Part 1
I am imperfect in many things, nevertheless I want my brethren and kinsfolk to know my nature so that they may be able to perceive my soul’s desire.
Trauma, Famine, and Social Decay: A Lecture by Ray Cashman at the Folklore of Ireland Society
To contextualise the importance of such tales and their reflective of Old Ireland’s homely belief system, Professor Cashmond discussed the idea that folklore and other traditional customs are in essence a vernacular social contract created by a community, and deeply personalised to the local level.
Against Irish Democracy
“What has emerged in Ireland is an abased form Government and a debased society, incapable of producing great culture.”
De Valera's Constitution Never Went Far Enough: A Case For Natural Justice
“Article 41 of the Constitution was always a watered down version of what lay-Catholic organisations, the religious hierarchy and prominent intellectuals mentioned earlier were advocating for.”
The Ballad of Father Gilligan by W.B. Yeats
'He Who is wrapped in purple robes,
With planets in His care,
Had pity on the least of things
Asleep upon a chair.
The Great Blasket by W.B. Yeats
A few more years and a tradition where Seventeenth Century poets, Mediaeval storytellers, Fathers of the Church, even Neoplatonic philosophers have left their traces in the whole poems of fragmentary thoughts and isolated images will have vanished.
Thoughts on Friday’s Referenda: What is a Family?
The family is the nucleus from which nations grow and sustain themselves. If Ireland is to survive, we must be committed to its protection.
DNA vs Milesius: An Exploration of Gaelic Patrilineal Civilization
Land and power was a zero-sum game back then, the fortunes of a lineage were fickle and tied to a fortunes of a single man. The winner took it all and the loser lost everything. These lineages are living historical records, testaments to ancient conquests, bloodshed, war, to victors and the vanquished.
Gen-Z Nostalgia and The State of Western Pop Culture
Media technology gives us effectively infinite access to share and consume content, but this has not resulted in some cultural golden age, only a culture of permanent re-runs and sequels and throwbacks. So we can reproduce but cannot produce, imitate but not create, and this can only be a bad sign for the health of current Western culture.
Brian Boru’s Speech at Clontarf by William Kenealy
God of heaven, bless our banner—nerve our sinews for the strife!
Fight we now for all that's holy—for our altars, land and life—
For red vengeance on the spoiler, whom the blazing temples trace
For the honor of our maidens and the glory of our race!
Václav Havel and the Power of the Powerless: Part 2 The Post-Totalitarian State
Despite the Western fetish for pouring scorn the concepts of authoritarianism, dictatorship, and totalitarianism, this concept aptly describes the system within which we live today.
The Death of Cuchulain by W.B. Yeats
In three days' time, Cuchulain with a moan
Stood up, and came to the long sands alone:
For four days warred he with the bitter tide;
And the waves flowed above him, and he died.
The Fairy Changeling
"I'll tell you how you'll find out whether it is a fairy changeling or not" says he "when you go home tell him that Gort na Pisha is ablaze".