The Power of Language in Politics
Our use of language is crucial for ensuring that our political and cultural struggle succeed. We must not forget that language is power.
Poetry: Pangur Bán
He rejoices with quick leaps
When in his sharp claw sticks a mouse:
I too rejoice when I have grasped
A problem difficult and dearly loved.
Is the Government’s Asylum Policy a Plantation?
Whilst not identical, a comparison with English-driven Plantations reveals that the government’s asylum policy qualifies as a Plantation.
An Introduction to the Works of Desmond Fennell (Fennellism pt. 0)
Desmond Fennell was Ireland's finest modern intellectual. Luckily for dissidents, his body of work also lays out the essential intellectual project of modern Irish Nationalism.
A Realistic Proposal for a Nationalist Coalition in Irish Politics
By outlining a pragmatic path toward unity, this article aims to ameliorate the fragmentation that plagues Irish Nationalism.
Folklore: Time of the Priest-Hunters
It was said that the young fellow turned a Catholic after that.
The Case for Consolidation: A Reflection on the 2024 Elections
Nationalists lack the unified platform and resources necessary to capitalise on the general public’s hostility to mass immigration.
Hungary and the New Concert of Europe: A Review of Balázs Orbán’s Hussar Cut: The Hungarian Strategy for Connectivity
Will European civilisation ‘go gentle into that good night’ or will we grit our teeth and face the music?
Carbon Offsetting: A False Panacea?
A clever ploy to assuage public scrutiny, carbon offsetting perpetuates a cycle of ecological destruction under the guise of sustainability.
Poetry: Lay Your Weapons Down, Young Lady by Piaras Feiritéar
These weapons put behind you:
hide henceforth your curling hair;
do not bare that white breast
that spares no living man.
Don’t Be Fooled by Fine Gael’s Trasformismo on June 7th
Against tokenistic half-measures, let us prove to Fine Gael that the Irish are not a foolish people - vote for nationalists on June 7th!
The European Union's Overreach: is its "Cure" Really Just Poison in Disguise?
The EU, empowered to regulate very large online platforms by the DSA, threatens to stifle legitimate discourse and muzzle dissenting voices.
A Call To The People of Ireland
By preserving Gaeilge, we preserve a unique perspective on the world, a perspective that is rooted in the landscapes and traditions of Ireland.
Poetry: ‘The Fool’ by Pádraig Pearse
O wise men, riddle me this: what if the dream come true?
What if the dream come true? and if millions unborn shall dwell
In the house that I shaped in my heart, the noble house of my thought?
Folklore: The Whiteboys in Kilmaine
In the time of the White-boys, I often heard my father say that no man of the name of Mullen, Moloney or Staunton was allowed to join or take the oath of the White-boys.
Common Sense Populism and the Irish Revolt - On a Timely Conference in Brussels and the National Voice
Only time will tell if Ireland’s vox populi, against massive establishment efforts, will continue to find its voice.
The Poetry of Dispossession: The Irish-American Cinema of John Martin Feeney - Part 3
The Irish nationalist John Mitchel advised the Irish in America to assimilate or face an unhappy fate. Feeney is characteristic perhaps of that unhappy fate.
An Interview with Nick Delehanty
We are an island, off an island, off the edge of Europe. We have never faced immigration issues on this scale before.
The Poetry of Dispossession: The Irish-American Cinema of John Martin Feeney - Part 2
Feeney's films exalt in themes of tradition, family and community as no other American filmmaker ever has. His evocation of social cohesion in the transience of social ritual is often sublime. But is it a facade?
‘On Behalf of Some Irishmen not Followers of Tradition’ by George William Russell
We would no Irish sign efface,
But yet our lips would gladlier hail
The firstborn of the Coming Race
Than the last splendour of the Gael.